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MUSIC FRIDAY - This episode is truly home grown as the host and guest are both Plantation, FL residents. The Jacob Jeffries Band is on its way to putting the suburb of Ft. Lauderdale on the map! Sit back and be amazed at this 22 year old’s wit, his relaxed approach at taking on the music biz full force and his stunning songs! We’re treated to three of his gems and a whole lot about what goes on behind the scenes. Be on the lookout for the JJB in a town near you this Summer because they’re playing a lot of dates. South Florida’s very proud of this kid and after hearing this interview, you’ll be a fan.
Check them out at www.JacobJeffriesBand.com
I can listen to this over and over! What a great moment, you really had him reach for it, So Beauiful!!!
Thanks! It was an unbelievable treat to have JJ on the show! Please help spread this around using the “Share” icon above for facebook and email the link to this page to as many JJB fans as you can. I appreciate the kind words. We’re aiming to make the Music Friday Show THE place for all gifted musicians everywhere to appear!
This is such a fantastic interview! As a huge JJB fan, I love to hear Jacob’s stories almost as much as his music. He is such a terrific kid and an engaging, delightful performer. We are all waiting for him to hit the big time…it’s HIS time!!