Podcast: Download (Duration: 32:34 — 29.8MB)
MUSIC FRIDAY - Direct from Holland via Skype, Steve Conte tells the Crazy Truth about the European music scene, the New York Dolls, getting ready to tour with the Michael Monroe Band, living in the antithesis of New York City… and playing loud! We take a listen to a track from the Steve Conte & The Crazy Truth CD and we dig up some Company Of Wolves!
Steve Conte and the Crazy Truth website
The Contes
Really recommend the Steve Conte and the Crazy Truth album - smokey, New York sound. Good driving music and they’re great live. Michael Monroe’s band are sounding brilliant with Ginger, Sam, Karl and Steve and the new tracks mentioned which are to be on the forthcoming album have been getting played live and are sounding great. If you haven’t seen Mr Monroe live, you haven’t yet lived. There’s stage presence and stage presence - watch out though - you’ll be hooked forever. Mo x
The shows have been great Bill, I’m trying to share the show every day. Hey let me know if you ever want to do it live on the road for whatever length of time. I think you and your listeners would really have a different perspective if you lived in our shoes even if only for a few days. I’m on my way to Cleveland clinic Cleveland Oh. to see my brother after his second surgery this week. God Be You My Friend and hope to here from you one day. Thanks buddy Ken